In this article you find outlined three secret means of treating your hemorrhoids to relieve your anguish and soreness. Witch Hazel Plant. The witch hazel is a natural astringent herb. This means that it comforts irritating and mortifying hemorrhoids. It shrivels your hemorrhoids. Application is by soaking a cotton ball in the a solution of witch hazel and keep it in the refrigerator until it feels cold, then apply it to the hemorrhoids. Well, as you must know, this treatment is topical - it works on external hemorrhoids. Witch hazel can give you relief, try it out. The Healing Properties Of Aloe Vera. For thousands of years Aloe Vera has been used to encourage healing of the skin and soothing of pain. You can purchase Aloe Vera extract at your neighborhood drugstore and at most pharmacies. You can even pot your own Aloe Vera plant and whenever you have the need, cut some leaves and squeeze them to get Aloe Vera extract. Aloe Vera extract is usually applied directly to hem...